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Displaying Records 1 through 25 of 104 records found
with a credit line of In memory of Muriel Yale.

Map: Dalmatia/Eastern1995.25.0008 (1995.25.0008)
71 x 53.75 cm (45.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; Italy; Balkans
Period: 1739
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Dalmatia/Western1995.25.0009 (1995.25.0009)
67.5 x 52.25 cm (51.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; Italy; Balkans
Period: 1739
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Transylvania1995.25.0028 (1995.25.0028)
62.5 x 54.5 cm (42.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; Germany, Romania; Nuremberg
Period: 1735
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Hungary1995.25.0029 (1995.25.0029)
62.5 x 54.5 cm (52.0 g)
Location: Europe, East; Europe, West; Germany, Hungary; Nuremberg
Period: 1735
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Danubi Flum Pars Inferior1995.25.0030 (1995.25.0030)
63.4 x 54.1 x .1 cm (43.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; Germany; Nuremberg
Period: 1735
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Danubi Flum Pars Media1995.25.0031 (1995.25.0031)
62.5 x 54.5 cm (42.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; Germany; Nuremberg
Period: 1735
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Danubi Plum Pars Superior1995.25.0032 (1995.25.0032)
62.5 x 55 x .1 cm (36.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; Germany
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Holy Land1995.25.0036 (1995.25.0036)
66 x 50.5 cm (33.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; France
Period: 1750
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Holy Land1995.25.0048 (1995.25.0048)
120.6 x 44.2 x .1 cm (68.0 g)
Location: Europe, West; Netherlands; Amsterdam
Period: 1717
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Central Sates of Europe1995.25.0063 (1995.25.0063)
146 x 63.1 cm (181 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain
Period: George III, 1816; 1800 - 1825 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Mediterranean Sea1995.25.0080 (1995.25.0080)
90.1 x 64.2 x .1 cm (79 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain
Period: George III; 1785
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Theatre of War: Turkey and Russia1995.25.0082 (1995.25.0082)
70.6 x 57.1 cm (53 g)
Location: Europe, West; Netherlands; Holland; Amsterdam
Period: 1737 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Egypt1995.25.0083 (1995.25.0083)
61 x 52 cm (39 g)
Location: Africa, North; Europe, West; Egypt, Germany; Nuremberg
Period: 1735
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: africa1995.25.0084 (1995.25.0084)
124 x 53.9 cm ( g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain
Period: 1800; 1775 to 1800 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: africa1995.25.0085 (1995.25.0085)
124 x 53.9 cm (93 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain
Period: 1800; 1775 to 1800 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Yemen - Sea Chart1995.25.0086 (1995.25.0086)
73.1 x 53.1 cm (56 g)
Location: Europe, West; Netherlands
Period: 1828
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Tunis/Biserta1995.25.0095 (1995.25.0095)
26.5 x 19 x .1 cm (5 g)
Location: Africa, North; Europe, West; Italy,Tunisia
Period: 1557 CE, 1550 to 1575 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Tribe of Manasseh Beyond Jordan1995.25.0069 (1995.25.0069)
28.9 x 21.2 cm (9 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain; London
Period: George III; 1800 to 1825 CE, 1812 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Tribe of Zebulun1995.25.0070 (1995.25.0070)
28.8 x 21.3 x .1 cm (10 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain; London
Period: George III, 1812; 1800 to 1825 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Holy Land - Tribe of Ephraim1995.25.0071 (1995.25.0071)
28.9 x 21.1 x .1 cm (9 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain; London
Period: George III, 1812; 1800 to 1825 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Plan of the City of Jerusalem1995.25.0072 (1995.25.0072)
29 x 21.2 x .1 cm (11 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain; London
Period: George III; 1812
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Tribe of Simeon1995.25.0073 (1995.25.0073)
29 x 21.5 cm (10 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain
Period: George III; 1812 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Tribe of Issachar1995.25.0074 (1995.25.0074)
29 x 21.5 cm (9 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain; London
Period: George III, 1812; 1800 to 1825 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map Folio: The Scripture Atlas, Title Page1995.25.0066 (1995.25.0066)
29 x 21.5 cm (10 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain; London
Period: George III; 1812 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

Map: Palestine/Cyprus1995.25.0042 (1995.25.0042)
16.9 x 15 cm (2.0 g)
Location: Europe, West
Period: 1576; 1575 - 1600
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Graphic Documents

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